Prosperity Party seeking recognition from the National Election Board of Ethiopia.


Ethiopia’s newly merged political party, Prosperity Party, is seeking recognition from the National Election Board of Ethiopia.

The new party requested Ethiopia’s Election Board to cancel registration certificates which have been granted to Afar National Democratic Party (ANDP), Benishangul-Gumuz Democratic Party (BDP),
Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), Southern Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Movement (SEPDM), Somali Democratic Party(SDP), Gambela Peoples Democratic Movement (GPDM) and Harari National League (HNL) which were members  and allies parties of former EPRDF coalition, and now signed a document to form a single party named Prosperity Party.
As well, the party requested the election board to recognize and grant Prosperity Party with registration certificate as per article 91 (4) of the legislation.
The Party disclosed that it has submitted all relevant documents to the election board. TPLF, one of the members of the EPRDF coalition, still stand alone as the mere opposition power for the newly coming Prosperity Party.

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