Why We Should Be Concerned About the Politics of AU (African Union)?


By :- Tegenaw Goshu
“The African Union Organizes the 6th Annual Continental Forum of Election Management Bodies’?”
This is the title of a report I read on Satenaw website (English). The report reports that the Department of Political Affairs of the African Union “organizes the 6th Annual Continental Forum of Election Management Bodies November 28 and 29 in Nairobi, Kenya.”  It sounds great as far as the general perception of making elections as democratic and participatory as they should be is concerned. The report reminds us about the importance of the Forum by saying that it is “to advance democratic and participatory governance in Africa”.
I would like to argue that this continental body that was established  in 1963 (56 years ago) with the name OAU (Organization of African Unity)  has made a remarkable success story with regard to  its most important objective and role of dealing with the challenges of decolonization , enabling the newly independent countries  to be viable ,  providing those people who were struggling to become independent and those  who were languishing under a very inhuman political systems such as apartheid or the brutal rule of white supremacy  with necessary support.
The problem arises when we try to look into the very question of what happened after decolonization or political independence.  Did those politicians who claimed themselves as leaders of liberation keep the promise and hope they preached, or did they become brutal and cynical masters of their own people?Sadly enough, the truth was and is the later. Yes, they succeeded in getting the objectives I mentioned above (decolonization and political independence) accomplished. Unfortunately enough, they couldn’t make the continental body (OAU or the present AU) an instrument for the prevalence and development of democratic political culture which is said to be the second most important chapter of the political history of the continent.  They rather used it as a club to deal with their own agenda and interests of how to rule and how to reconcile their differences and conflicts of interest in order to avoid public resistance and uprising against their undemocratic and illegitimate political power. They used the body as the forum to stand together and condemn any resistance movement of the people which they believed to be a threat to their limitless and abusive political power.  This very ugly and cynical way of doing politics has continued in a more systematic and deceitful manner throughout the history of the continental body OAU and now AU.
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